Sinopsis del libro
Portable Biosensors and Point-of-Care Systems describes the principles, design and applications of a new generation of analytical and diagnostic biomedical devices, characterized by their very small size, ease of use, multi-analytical capabilities and speed to provide handheld and mobile point-of-care (POC) diagnostics. The book is divided in four parts. Part I is an in-depth analysis of the various technologies upon which portable diagnostic devices and biosensors are built. In Part II, advances in the design and optimization of special components of biosensor systems and handheld devices are presented. In Part III, a wide scope of applications of portable biosensors and handheld POC devices is described, ranging from the support of primary healthcare to food and environmental safety screening. Diverse topics are covered, including counterterrorism, travel medicine and drug development. Finally, Part IV of the book is dedicated to the presentation of commercially available products including a review of the products of point-of-care in-vitro-diagnostics companies, a review of technologies which have achieved a high Technology Readiness Level, and a special market case study of POC infusion systems combined with intelligent patient monitoring. Topics covered include: * The history, development, latest research and applications of portable biosensors * Includes international experts to provide a variety of perspectives * In-depth review of this fascinating field convergence of several scientific and technological disciplines – from nanotechnology to life sciences.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 384
- Autor: Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations
- Tamaño: 1.68 - 2.24 MB
- Descargas: 993
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