Mejora Continua Del Servicio Basada En Itil®

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The Management Guides are a concise summary of the ‘Foundations of IT Service Management based on ITIL V3’. A quick, portable reference tool to the standards used within the Service Management community. Not only includes the Lifecycle Approach but in addition covers the processes in a separate section as well.

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    Note: This book is available in several languages: Italian, German, Spanish. The goal of this Pocket Guide is to provide an easy to read document that explains the nature, content and aim of ISO 20000. It should bring ISO 20000 within reach of a vast international audience at a higher speed, by providing an easy accessible pocket guide: • to promote the awareness and the acceptability of ISO 20000 as a valid standard for IT Services organisations, • to support ISO 20000 training and certification, • to produce a quick reference to the core content of ISO 20000, for practitioners.