The Spanish Annexation Of The Dominican Republic And The War Of Restoration From Spain S Perspective, 1861 1865

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In this dissertation we explore Spains actions regarding the Dominican Annexation and the War of Restoration between the years 1861-1865. Through the analysis of journalistic, military, naval and governmental documents, we inquire into the external manifestations of the background and most significant events of the Dominican Annexation and Restoration. This allows us to analyze the motivations and circumstances that governed Spanish politics in the process. We develop the complex relationship that existed between Spain, its colonies and Haiti, as well as the military and diplomatic strategies employed by Spain to achieve geopolitical balance in the international dynamic of the Caribbean in the nineteenth century. At the theoretical level, we study the ideological motivations that influenced Spanish foreign policy towards the Annexation. We present a fully documented reconstruction of the Spanish military actions for actually assuming control of Santo Domingo, once annexation was declared. We make a theoretical analysis about the Dominican nation and its independence, followed by a study of the characteristics of the War of Restoration from Spains perspective. Finally, we study the participation of Puerto Rico in the military seizure of Santo Domingo and its supporting role once the War of Restoration started.

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  • Número de páginas: 311
  • Autor: Otros
  • Tamaño: 1.90 - 2.33 MB
  • Descargas: 2364

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