Terror En Los Trópicos (terror In The Tropics)

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In this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title, elementary readers are invited to discover terrifying plants and animals of the tropics. Readers will discover what makes poisonous plants so harmful and why dangerous jungle animals are so deadly through engaging features, including bright images, diagrams, and charts, informational text, and captivating facts. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

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    Readers will learn about arachnids, insects, arthropods, and even parasites in this fascinating nonfiction reader that has been translated into Spanish. Featuring photos of these tiny creatures (some up to 100 times their normal size!), informational text, a glossary, and an index to aid in vocabulary development, this book will have children eager to learn more about these tiny creatures and the big impact they have on human life!