¡sí Se Puede!

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?S? se puede! is designed for students who have had some exposure to Spanish, either at home or in their community. While these students may have a higher degree of communicative proficiency than those whose first and primary contact with Spanish occurs in the classroom, they sometimes lack critical exposure to and training in Spanish morphology, syntax, and grammatical structures. Developed specifically to address language learning for heritage speakers, ?S? se puede! provides such training through a variety of activities that focus on the further development of speaking, reading, and writing skills. In addition, the texts thematic content helps students attain a greater awareness of the history, character, and vital importance of the multi-faceted Hispanic communities that form such a substantial part of U.S. and world identities. Material has been carefully developed with the understanding that college-level heritage speakers in the United States have acquired critical thinking, reading, and writing skills in English that can transition effectively to Spanish.

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