Sexo Para Dummies

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Try new sexual positions The bestselling guide to a rewarding sex life and a deeper relationship Looking for the straight facts on sex? In this friendly, authoritative guide, renowned sex therapist Dr. Ruth gives you the latest on everything from oral sex and popular positions to new methods of birth control. She also debunks sex myths and covers new therapies to manage low libido, overcome sexual dysfunction, and enhance pleasure. Praise for Dr. Ruth and Sex For Dummies Her energy level is higher than that of a charged particle. –People Magazine Dr. Ruth writes the way she talks — enthusiastically, nonjudgmentally, and informatively. . . . –Booklist Her name and the distinctive thrill of her voice have become inextricably linked with the subject of sex. –New York Times Discover how to * Enjoy the first time * Enhance foreplay and afterplay with your partner * Avoid STDs and have safer sex * Discuss sex with your kids * Navigate cybersex

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