Research Challenges For Anglophone Studies In The 21st Century

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Once again young researchers of Spanish universities in the field of English Studies unite their efforts to present a new volume of excellent collaborations under the title of RESEARCH CHALLENGES FOR ANGLOPHONE STUDIES IN THE 21st CENTURY. The title not only does not disappoint readers’ expectations, but also responds to the main concerns of the latest research carried out in our present academic system. This volume, following the model of previous publications, centres on the three major research areas related with English Studies that include cultural, linguistic and literary investigations. Interdisciplinary approaches to English-speaking studies remain the spinal axis of this publication.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 154
  • Autor: Otros
  • Tamaño: 1.80 - 2.44 MB
  • Descargas: 1179

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