Sinopsis del libro
An outstanding collection of award-winning books and authors Santillana USA has compiled a selection of the most popular books in Spanish under the Alfaguara imprint. The world-renowned authors cover a range of genres including novels, short stories, anthologies, and poetry. The journey to the future that Grass takes as he travels with his wife through China at the same time that his characters, Harm and Dorte, travel through India and Bali trying to decide if they should bear a child in a world threatened by the arms race, bloc politics, unemployment, etc., forms part of the authors internal monologue, in which the reader is invited to participate.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 163
- Autor: Gunter Grass
- Tamaño: 1.79 - 2.42 MB
- Descargas: 603
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