Lost & Found

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Ted is always unhappy and, no matter how hard he tries, he cant figure out why. Nothing helps: not a new baseball bat, not a new bicycle, not an afternoon of swimming, and not even a trip to the amusement park. When Ted decides to ask his grandfather for help, his friend ridicules him. Teds friend claims happiness is just a state of mind. Nothing worked, so Ted went to Grandpa. His advice to Ted was to find happiness he must aim to help others. Teddy doesnt understand how this will help, but hes willing to try. He goes home and starts doing helpful things for his family and for his friends at school. The impossible happens, and Ted is transformed.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 96
  • Autor: Carl Sommer
  • Tamaño: 1.73 - 2.21 MB
  • Descargas: 1491

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