Lectura De Textos

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A Method of Teaching Reading, Analysis and Interpretation of Literary Texts. This book includes a guide of detailed questions and activities for students to discover the process involved with the creation of literary texts, to interpret them, and to relate the texts to real life. Students will work with a selection of unabridged texts, consisting of narratives, poetry, drama and essays by Spanish American authors. The writers are men and women from several different countries, including Hispanic authors living in the U.S. This book can be used to: Build students ability to read, analyze, and interpret literary texts. Find cultural, historical, religious, political, social, gender values of the Spanish American world represented in the texts. Make cross cultural comparisons between Hispanic culture and the students own culture. Show how literature is closely related to life events, experiences, behavior, emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Encourage critical thinking and originality through the readers individual responses to the text. These building blocks can generate further classroom discussions and individual essays. In short, the book addresses the five Cs of language learning: Communication (reading, talking, listening and writing), Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. The book can be used in intermediate level Spanish courses as an introduction to the above skills. Also it can be used for students in their third-year level of the Spanish college courses or above, including undergraduate students who want to pursue graduate studies in Spanish American literature. In addition, the book can serve as a guide for new instructors who are interested in teaching and /or designing Spanish American literature classes.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 300
  • Autor: Eugenia Munoz
  • Tamaño: 1.91 - 2.25 MB
  • Descargas: 406

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