Sinopsis del libro
Why do the rich get richer even in a financial crisis? In his new book financial guru Robert Kiyosaki underscores his message: we need to understand our context and act in new ways to change it. In Unfair Advantage, Kiyosaki challenges people around the world to stop blindly accepting that they are destined to struggle financially all their lives. Roberts fresh approach to his time-tested messages includes clear, actionable steps that any individual or family can take, starting with education. True financial education is the path to creating the life you want for yourself and your family. Robert encourages you to change the one thing that is within your control: yourself. This book is about the power of financial education and the five unfair advantages it offers: The Unfair Advantage of Knowledge, The Unfair Advantage of Taxes, The Unfair Advantage of Debt, The Unfair Advantage of Risk, and The Unfair Advantage of Compensation.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 334
- Autor: Robert T Kiyosaki
- Tamaño: 1.61 - 2.29 MB
- Descargas: 2088
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