Judíos Españoles En La Edad Media

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Describes milestones in the history of the Jews in Spain during the Middle Ages. Discusses political and juridical developments which contributed to their persecution and ultimate expulsion in 1492. There were three factors which influenced that process. The first was hostility of the Christian populace toward the Jews, based on traditional antisemitic stereotypes and social rivalry. That hostility was exacerbated by the economic crisis of the 14th century, resulting in open violence. Then, when many Jews converted to Christianity, the hatred was transferred to the Conversos. The second factor was the stance of the Church toward the Jews – its hostile sermons, its campaign for conversion, the subsequent persecution of many Conversos by the Inquisition, and the insistence on the need to expel the Jews in order to protect New Christians from religious contamination. The third issue was the consolidation of the Monarchy, which was based on absolute religious unity, making the existence of other beliefs in Spain intolerable.

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