Sinopsis del libro
Anyone can learn computer science, even at the elementary school level. This book delves into the essential computer science concept of parallelization using age-appropriate language and colorful illustrations. A meaningful storyline is paired with an accessible curricular topic to engage and excite readers. This book introduces readers to a relatable character and familiar situation, which demonstrates how parallelization is used in everyday life. Readers follow Sasha as she and her brothers work at the same time to make silly socks to sell. This fiction title is paired with the nonfiction title Our Class Business (ISBN: 9781538352472). The instructional guide on the inside front and back covers provides: Vocabulary, Background knowledge, Text-dependent questions, Whole class activities, and Independent activities.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 16
- Autor: Leona Fowler
- Tamaño: 1.82 - 2.40 MB
- Descargas: 808
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