Candela Y El Misterio De La Puerta Entreabierta / Candela And The Mystery Of The Ajar Door

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Descargar el libro libro Candela Y El Misterio De La Puerta Entreabierta / Candela And The Mystery Of The Ajar Door

Candela is a dreamy girl who always appears to have her head in the clouds. One day, after getting out from school, she passes like every day, in front of one of the oldest houses in town. The house has been uninhabited for decades. But when she looks at the landing on the first floor, she notices that the door is half open. Up until that day it has always been closed. Then she made a decision! The next day she was going in to investigate…

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 95
  • Autor: Reyes Martnez
  • Tamaño: 1.77 - 2.34 MB
  • Descargas: 1896

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