Aprende A Hablar A Mamá

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Sometimes your mom seems like the most wonderful woman in the world. Sometimes you think she is mean and wants to ruin your life. Really, it is both. No matter how well you know your mom, chances are shes got a few tricks up her sleeve. Alec Greven may only be ten, but he will set you straight when it comes to figuring out the most important woman in your life. Tips: Dont use your shirt as a napkin or a Kleenex. Dont bring loose wildlife into the houseever! Your mom will always love you no matter what.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 48
  • Autor: Alec Greven
  • Tamaño: 1.66 - 2.25 MB
  • Descargas: 1321

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