
Sinopsis del libro

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En esta biografía del presidente Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear, el autor trasluce una cálida simpatía hacia el personaje que no inhibe la crítica severa. En ella aparecen no solo las decisiones políticas más importantes, sino escenas y episodios reveladores de la sociedad de entonces y de sus contradicciones. La infancia cómoda y respetable de Alvear, sus viajes a Europa, su matrimonio con Regina Pacini, sus actuaciones políticas tempranas, su amistad con Yrigoyen, la vocación que lo obligó a asumir una labor que entrañaba peligros, molestias y constantes renunciamientos, resultan testimonio de valor incalculable tanto en lo histórico como en lo social.

Ficha del Libro

  • Autor: Felix Luna
  • Tamaño: 1.63 - 2.49 MB
  • Descargas: 2069

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    Dr. Luna, the Latin American history scholar, discusses the merger process of the Spanish and precolumbian American cultures. The author focuses on the people of the Spanish America, unearthing the clues of the particular crossbreeding that underlies not only in the racial but also in the linguistic, artistic, religious, and institutional aspects of this fascinating culture.

  • Felix LunaHistoria Integral De La Argentina

    Written by long-time editor of Todo es Historia, this is a highly polished popular history of Argentina in the 1850s-60s. Topics covered include the rise and fall of Urquiza, the beginnings of porteño domination under Mitre, the Paraguayan War, and the Montonero rebellions. Recommended for the general reader --Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.

  • Felix LunaYrigoyen

    An award-winning writer, historian, and lawyer sheds light on the life of an Argentine political figure, who in 1896 became the leader of a bourgeois reform party and twice became president of the republic, only to be become so unpopular because of the severe economic depression during his second administration that he was overthrown and replaced by the same oligarchy against which he fought so fiercely.